Crazy Crypto

I added a crypto currency button as an additional means to support The Snart. Donations to The Cause won't suffer PayPal's outrageous cut if you send some crypto coinage (either Bitcoin or Ethereum).

Currently working on the pencils for Ralph Snart #15 -- about half done.

Just fixed a minor boo-boo on the cover of #14. Re-download it if you want the latest and greatest edition.

Had to repair my sweet Dazor lamp from the '50s. Amazingly, the company is still in business and sells replacement switches you can solder. Below is the old switch. Couldn't desolder, so I had to cut and re-strip the wires (above the corrosion).

Ralph Snart #14 Just Released

Ralph Snart Adventures Vol. 8, #14

Ralph Snart Adventures #14

Story & Art by: Marc Hansen

Mondo Monster Fanboy
Ralph is an obnoxious fanboy and must go to extremes in order to get his idol Fella Spookgosi's autograph. In reality, Ralph is stupefied by boobies. Color, 22 pages.

Watch me in action!

It's a FREE download, you cheap bastard!

Ralph Snart NFT!

Or should I elaborate... Ralph Snart will not have any NFTs.

10 reasons NFTs are dumb.

All good reasons, but I’ll add, as it pertains to art — traditional art, in which the art is a physical, one-of-a-kind object is being replaced by digital art, which is not a physical object and not one-of-a-kind. Traditional art is also harder to create requiring far more skill and know how, hence the rise of digital art (people are getting lazier and dumber). So which would you rather own (or in the case of digital, “own”).

5 reasons NFTs are not dumb.

None of these reasons are compelling. Metaverses? Web3? Meh. Monetizing every interaction on the web will only encourage more trolling, spammers, hackers and general dumb asses hoping to "cash in".

Some Changes...

The first is obvious; The current series (volume 8) of RSA is online for free. Other books and volumes will go online in due course. The reasoning behind this will be discussed later.

The file format has changed from PDF to CBR. Since FireFox opens and decrypts encrypted PDFs (along with many other apps), moving to a more popular digital comic standard seemed more appropriate.

This website overall has adopted CSP, which was NOT EASY. No longer using inline styles and scripts is a hard habit to break. Gone are the days of the '90's when getting a domain and host was cheap and easy, and creating a website was so insanely easy and back before trolls, bots and hackers ruined the web.

Lastest Poop #796

RSA 14 cover pencil
Above: Cover for RSA #14. Pencils and lettering are all done for RSA #14. Instead of inking right away, I'm going to try and write issue #15, but I'll try and do another video of inking that cover this month.Beer #58
Above: beer #58. Made a keg beer in January and a bottled version in February. Bottled a few in some old pre-pros: (L to R) Edelweiss (circa 1905), Grand Rapids Brewing (circa 1910), and Blatz (date unknown but maybe ~1915). Sitting on top of a Hudepohl long neck box (circa 1960).

Inking RSA #13

Here I am inking a panel for Ralph Snart Adventures #13 releasing this Spring. This issue will be the final part of the Origin Trilogy.
Inking panel two, page 17 of issue #13 of RSA. Yes, I've gone full nerd and labelled the brush for when I first started using it. Double-speed playback (I'm not that fast -- anymore.) Normally I'll use just one brush per issue, but have had a hard time finding a good brush so have gone back and used an array of older brushes for this issue. I've been inking so much lately, I've created a bulbous callus on my pinkie finger -- such are the travails I must endure!

Latest Poop #74289

RSA #12 has released. This week I started working on the inks for issue #13. A little early, but I'm going to spread the work out over a longer period of time. Inks for the cover are done. If I get the urge, I may start writing #14, which will continue where the origin mini-series left off (maybe?), but I'll probably hold off until after the holidays.Marc Hansen ChecklistBefore the end of the year, I hope to have the Marc Hansen Checklist book completed. Been working on this damn thing for over five years now. It'll be more than a mere checklist but will be autobiographical in nature and have lots of artwork and pics, interviews, etc.

Summer Inking

Here I am inking a panel for Ralph Snart Adventures #12 releasing this Fall. This issue will be part two of the Origin Trilogy. Took me about 20 minutes to ink that one panel, which is 1/6th of a page, so two hours to ink a page. So, I'm about as fast as I've always been, but it doesn't seem like it. Not a big fan of inking in the Summer because of the heat, so I like to get it done in the morning.
I'm doing these videos because over the years I've been asked how to ink (including a few pros). What I think they're actually asking is how do I ink in particular (not generally). Best way to show how is to observe and then practice yourself. When I worked as an apprentice at an advertising art studio, I would routinely, and was encouraged to, sit and watch the other artists work whether they were doing animatics, lettering, marker comps, painting, paste up or photo retouching. A few didn't like you to watch them. Maybe they felt inhibited, but more likely they didn't want to divulge any secrets (or just hated my company!). It was also advantageous to learn all aspects of the business.
Materials: brush, board, ink

Ah, Time

RSA0101Thirty-five years ago the very first issue of Ralph Snart Adventures was released. Two months before that, I had had to change the name from Ralph Snarf to Ralph Snart or risk a lawsuit from Denis Kitchen. Three months before that, I had written and drawn that first issue in a roach-infested studio apartment in the Edgewater neighborhood of Chicago. I was oblivious to the fact that at the time, it was one of the worst neighborhoods in Chicago a destination for Eastern European transients controlled by a Vietnamese gang whose headquarters was just a half block away.

If I got flashed by a sex worker on my shortcut to the bus stop that would take me West on Devon to Larry's comic book shop, or if I had to walk down to the Thorndale El station because the Granville stop had a dead body on the platform, I thought nothing of it. Just seemed normal to me. Or at least normal RSA0101for Edgewater. When I drunkenly threw a TV off a fire escape to explode in the alley below, no one batted an eye. Good ol' Edgewater! It was the kind of neighborhood Ralph Snart would have thrived in.

I had never done a comic book before that time. I had done plenty of comic strips, editorial cartoons for my college newspaper, and professionally cartoons for advertising, but I knew nothing about the comic book business. Before all this, I honestly had no idea that comic books were collected or had such throngs of fans or anything about comic conventions. I was totally naive and uneducated about the whole affair.

To do that first issue, I had to figure out a lot of things I knew nothing about. What size should the art be, what style should I draw it, how should I letter it, etc. I had to go out and buy some current comics to see what was being done. A lot of my decisions were wrong, but in the end what I finally handed in to the publisher was good enough for print. It would take me several years to finally put everything together, but by then it was too late; the comics industry would be shrinking and imploding.

When that first issue was printed, it was done the wrong size. A Chicago printer called Sleepeck did the printing, and for some reason had printed it approximately half size like digest size. The copies were all destroyed, but I saw one of them cute but ridiculously small. Do over! Aside; I've had a history with printers so, yeah, I wasn't too surprise my initial foray into the comic book industry started out messed up. Luckily it was redone and delivered to the distributors on schedule.

At the time I liked and respected the publisher of NOW Comics, Tony Caputo, and I still do. As long as money, privilege and favors aren't involved, he's a likable, gregarious and very smart man! The first moments, months and years of NOW were exciting and pure chaos as the Black & White Boom came and went. It was a special (and brief) time in the comic book industry, and I was lucky enough to be a part of it, which is cool. Of course, there are regrets but overall it was a magical, fun and creative adventure.

Free Just Ain't The Same

An unlikely advertising campaign on Facebook is working in which Ralph Snart berates, insults and dares people to buy the latest issue of Ralph Snart Adventures. Since I don't care whether anyone even buys an issue of the digital comic series I've been doing for several years now, the campaign actually made sense to do. What's to lose? Plus it's fun. Buy My Comic!

Why don't I care? Well, I don't need the money, and I'm producing the biannual series for my own selfish enjoyment. If I have 100 readers, whatever. If there's 5,000, who cares. If some fans get a kick out of it, all the better. Although I don't need the money, the price (a pittance) weeds out the multitude of idiots that would just download something for free and not really care.

If a person takes the time to go through the motions of paying for the item(s) and then downloading, I figure they must actually want the comic. And really, most of the books are only a buck, and the new releases are only two bucks. Cheap!

The best thing about the campaign, is the bewildered fan boys who actually got upset by Ralph scolding and disrespecting them. They were genuinely confused who was insulting them; Ralph or myself. How dare me... or him! If you don't get it, you probably don't get Ralph Snart Adventures either.
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Marc Hansen
Marc Hansen

Cartoonist and creator of Ralph Snart Adventures, Weird Melvin and Doctor Gorpon. Hansen has done most of his work for NOW Comics, but has also done work for Marvel, Disney and Kitchen Sink Press.

Ralph Snart Adventures was published from 1986-1993 by now defunct NOW Comics, and was the longest running comic in the entire NOW catalog, selling an average of 50,000 copies a month during that nine year period. Over two million comics were published, and it was the first indy comic to receive the Comics Code.

Today, Marc Hansen publishes Ralph Snart Adventures as an ebook on a sporadic basis. Current issues are available on his website. Keep up with Ralph Snart on Twitter and Facebook.

Ralph Snart is a registered trademark. Copyright 2024 by Marc Hansen.